Image 01


Jessy Ouellette Halifax, Canada
Plasma Pownce

Plasma 4 Extensions by Yonen 10 comments

I haven't worked with the 4.1 Lib yet because I'm still on 4.0.3 because I'm waiting for Ubuntu packages for 4.1. this is my work laptop and I can't have an unstable Env.

As soon as I have 4.1 installed, I'll update the code, unless someone else wants to help (Hint hint).

Cheers! - Jun 04 2008
Console Amarok Controller

Utilities by Yonen 8 comments

Thanks Saul,

Since I moved, I don't have a need for this script now, so I haven't been using it.

I'm glad to see that other people are using it. - Jun 04 2008
Plasma Pownce

Plasma 4 Extensions by Yonen 10 comments

Yeah.. you are right. The Tgz on my local didn't. - Mar 03 2008
Plasma Pownce

Plasma 4 Extensions by Yonen 10 comments

Are you 100% sure there is a CMakeCache.txt in my Tarball? - Mar 03 2008
Plasma Pownce

Plasma 4 Extensions by Yonen 10 comments

There, it should be better now.

I swear I'll get it right eventually! - Feb 19 2008
Plasma Pownce

Plasma 4 Extensions by Yonen 10 comments

I added the Version number.

Thanks for the openSuSE package... - Feb 15 2008
Console Amarok Controller

Utilities by Yonen 8 comments

I think I know what happened here. When I first committed the script I was using my work laptop (Windows) and I copied it from Putty to Note pad... and that's where the newlines where converted to DOS new lines...

Sorry about that... I should have thought of that. - Jan 31 2007
Console Amarok Controller

Utilities by Yonen 8 comments

You are welcome, It really didn't take that long to write. It was all done within an hour. But I know which dcop functions to call.

I'm actually put an update soon, it now only refreshes the track name when the song is over instead of every 10 seconds. - Jan 30 2007
Blended for deKorator

KDE 3.x Window Decorations by john007 15 comments

100 points for you for "porting" it to KDE and 200 points to the author, it looks really nice, my eyes thank you. - Nov 26 2005
GDM-Slackware NLD

KDM3 Themes by rufuseddy 6 comments

Well.. whenever I have time I will make these theme kdm-able. It shouldn't be hard at all since it already somewhat works. I'll let you know if I do it! - Apr 11 2005

Wallpaper Other by leinad 1 comment

I like it, but I wouldn't use it as a background. I don't find it would work with my color scheme - Mar 04 2005
KDE Improvement 3.4 (Your opinion plz)

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by nookie 36 comments

I agree, the tool tips should look like the ones for the kicker. - Mar 04 2005
Tux's room

Wallpaper Other by Avenger 17 comments

Was this done with Blender3D? - Jan 21 2005

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by Yonen 15 comments

What do you mean exactly by "standard KDE buttons" I only used QT widgets, as for KConfig XT do you mean I should use KCfgCreator to create a better looking Settings Dialog? - Nov 21 2004

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by Yonen 15 comments

hehehehe... it's on my list. - Nov 20 2004

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by Yonen 15 comments

It does one cycle(on/off) per seconds. That should be fast enough. And of course you can remove the flashing option. - Nov 18 2004

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by Yonen 15 comments

Yeah.. I am working on that. This is only early versions, I wanted to release something just to see if people like it. - Nov 18 2004

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by Yonen 15 comments

What about a flashing dot at the bottom right? - Nov 17 2004

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements by Yonen 15 comments

I didn't think about that, thx for asking. The background of the time and date will not be transparent. I will add that to the todo list.

Thanks - Nov 16 2004