
Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

I actually really like the volume icon in its small sizes. Since it's neither dark nor light - it looks good with any type of panel or across any application.

The 32 and scalable versions probably need to be redone, though... but I really like the current ones at 22 and 16px. - Jun 25 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

I also dislike the hard hat. Thanks for the idea, I'll try to come up with something else in a future release. - Jun 25 2009
Arc-Colors GDM-Walls

GDM Themes by perfectska04 117 comments

Ideally - there would be a new abstract pack as an alternative to a new photo-realistic set.

As for Dust, I don't think I'll make a brown wallpaper for it - It just didn't look quite right. The color palette doesn't lend itself for a wallpaper. - Jun 25 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

I already redid every single human icon, including those. If you compare it to the old icons, the arrows should be darker and subtler. - Jun 25 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

I gave it a look in inkscape just now to see if I missed something last time I fixed it, and I had to zoom in really closely but it was there. I counted the little squares to see what was off and moved the right corner just 1px to the right, so it should be fixed now upstream.

Thanks for reporting! you sir have much better vision than I do. - Jun 25 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Perhaps the file didn't update correctly? the X is perfectly aligned since a while back... Maybe you can get the .tar.gz and overwriting the file to see if that helps? - Jun 24 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Can you look again? I think someone reported this long ago and I already fixed it. - Jun 24 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

I posted the solution 1 or two pages ago. Just do the same, but without deleting the rhythmbox icons the other user also wanted to remove. - Jun 24 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Don't worry, it's already done. It just needs packaging and uploading, so it'll be there in a few minutes.

Anyone who prefers the brighter old version can grab packages older than 4.3 from the project page once 4.3 is uploaded. - Jun 24 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

They're green to add a little variety and consistency. If you don't like them, you can get the ones from an older release in the google code page (just click downloads tab and search for "All" not "Current" downloads.) - Jun 24 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Since I haven't found a good palette for Pink, perhaps it's best to take the time to fix an existing set. The human variant has always been far more vibrant and distracting than the rest, so perhaps with a subtler orange we'll get a more usable human set.

Preview: - Jun 23 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

You can open nautilus, go inside the icon set of your liking, click on the "Search" button and search/delete for the following icons:

start-here - Jun 23 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

I got it off this deviantart page: - Jun 23 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

The problem with aluminium for tray icons is that the changes happens everywhere, so for example an OSX style transmission icon would just be a white shape anywhere outside of the panel. - Jun 22 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

I understand, although what I meant - was that if there is a base library with all the common icons, I only have to add icons to a single folder as opposed to 6.

Since there would be essentially no duplicates, other than the icons that are specific for each set - the package could also end up being less than 10MB and occupy less disk space for a user that installs all themes (20MB uncompressed, as opposed to 70MB) - Jun 22 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

It's dust and garbage inside the trash icon, it makes it easier to notice that it's full inside. The scalable version has a bit less garbage because it's larger, so it's easier to determine it's not empty, and because including too much detail would make the file 250KB instead of just 100KB, so it renders faster.

As for media icons, I doubt they'll be colored again... They looked great on the blue version, but the other versions looked really bright and inconsistent. You can get them from an earlier version, though... I always host the latest three in the google code project page in case people prefer an earlier version. - Jun 22 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Ok, I posted this in the Arc-Colors page but that's not very active. This is about the future of Arc-Colors GDM's/Wallpapers, which is a related project:

I want the next version of Arc-Colors to use photorealistic wallpapers (kind of like Arc-Dust is doing right now).

If anyone wants to help, go to Wikimedia Commons (or deviantart) and look for existing wallpapers/images that you love and might want included in the arc-colors set! I've already picked some out, but there are too many images for me alone to go through.

Guidelines for recommending a wallpaper:
-Wallpapers must be licensed under creative-commons-by-share-alike 3.0 (no 1.0, 2.0, 2.5, non-commercial or non-distributable can be used), public domain or GPL-2+.
-Original image must be at least 1920x1200 or larger.
-Colors of wallpaper must complement an arc-colors set (for example, an orange-ish sunset could go well with human, wood/trees with dust, sky/ocean with brave, forest/grass with wise, etc...

Some examples:
For Brave (cc-by-sa-3.0)

For Dust (cc-by-sa-3.0)

For Noble (Public Domain) - Jun 22 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments


I know there are many prettier and photo-realistic icons out there designed by more talented artists, but gnome-colors and it's "simple and consistent" approach makes it easier to develop by me and to modify by other users.

Besides, the important thing about an icon set is that the visual metaphors are accurate and that users don't have to see blurry icons. With these guidelines in mind, I'm sure anyone with minimal artistic skill (like me) can come up with something just as good, if not better.

As for Tango, I have nothing but good things to say about it; gnome-colors is almost entirely based on the work and sources of Tango and GNOME artists :), and I'm sure the next release of Tango and gnome-icon-theme will be even better than Oxygen or gnome-colors. Just look at the current devices in this set, most of them are already based in the future version of gnome-icon-theme. - Jun 22 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Perhaps something along these lines, they're not too bright... Although I'm not really sure about these, they're not really good looking either. - Jun 22 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Softer would be nice, but that's still way too bright...

I think I'll be going with pink since the others didn't work out, but the palette needs to be a very dull pink, since I don't want another ultra-bright-makes-your-eyes-bleed set like human already is.

Think of the green set, the palette for wise is really boring and dull, but that's the reason it works so well... it doesn't stand out and lets you do your work.

tldr; I need a very dull pink palette before doing a pink set. - Jun 22 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Sorry, I did throw them out... They just looked as if I'd ran a grayscale filter instead of actual icon sets.

Perhaps in the future I'll come up with a better aluminium palette and make it inheritable by the other sets, so the package is only 10MB and other artists such as yourself can just inherit the gnome-colors-base and replace/recolor only the icons you want more easily. - Jun 22 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Arctic didn't really look good on devices either!

Just because a color works on folders, it doesn't mean it'll look good on everything else... Guess I'll just put it off for now until I find a worthy color palette. - Jun 22 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Blah, I just got into making the action icons and it just sunddenly went sour.

The palette is just terrible for anything other than folders. Everything else looks drab and boring, so I'm dropping aluminium.

I'll start working on the Arctic one instead, the blue is very subtle but it doesn't make anything monotonous. Sorry for getting your hopes up, should've waited until I did all the scalable icons before posting a preview. - Jun 22 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Well, here goes.

*Hopes gnome-aluminium and it's lack of color in a project called "colors" doesn't become the most hated icon set ever.* - Jun 21 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Alright, so it's between these two aluminium palettes unless someone prefers the "Arctic" look linked above. - Jun 21 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

I Think it's more consistent to have them be the same color as buttons, and the little contrast makes them smoother than when they were colored (specially in the human variant, they were way too bright for a soothing desktop). - Jun 21 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

I really can't seem to reproduce this. The new release is also pretty much the same as before, it only has updated colors... Try reintstalling the last version and logging out? Usually when you log back in, any possible panel/metacity issue that happened when you were installing the themes gets fixed. - Jun 21 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Yes, I'll take that as a vote for aluminium. I still have to go over the color palette for that, since it might be a bit too bright for dark themes. - Jun 21 2009
Arc-Colors GDM-Walls

GDM Themes by perfectska04 117 comments

Some examples:
For Brave (cc-by-sa-3.0)

For Dust (cc-by-sa-3.0)

For Noble (Public Domain)

Wallpapers like that would look great in Arc-Colors. - Jun 21 2009
Arc-Colors GDM-Walls

GDM Themes by perfectska04 117 comments

I want the next version of Arc-Colors to use photorealistic wallpapers (kind of like Arc-Dust is doing right now).

If anyone wants to help, go to Wikimedia Commons (or deviantart) and look for existing wallpapers/images that you love and might want included in the arc-colors set! I've already picked some out, but there are too many images for me alone to go through.

Guidelines for recommending a wallpaper:
-Wallpapers must be licensed under creative-commons-by-share-alike 3.0 (no 1.0, 2.0, 2.5 or by-nd can be used), public domain or GPL-2+.
-Original image must be at least 1920x1200 or larger.
-Colors of wallpaper must complement an arc-colors set (for example, an orange-ish sunset could go well with human, wood/trees with dust, sky/ocean with brave, forest/grass with wise, etc... - Jun 21 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Use this comment thread to voice which color set you want. I'll go with only one for now, although it could come out as quick as this week. The newer gnome-colors base makes it possible to create a new icon set by only redrawing 200 icons instead of 1000 like it was in the past. At 1/5th the work of what it used to be, it's a good chance to expand color coverage just a bit more.

I've made a little mockup of possible new versions:

If you do choose pink, it'd be better if you submitted a better color palette than the one in the mockup, that one is even brighter than "human" and makes my eyes sad. That is all. - Jun 21 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

I think the previews have something to do with your thumbnail cache, just clear the .thumbnails or .cache folders (not sure which one of those was it) and they will auto-regenerate next time around.

The download emblem issue is already fixed on my end, as well as the edit-select-all icon and the audio volume ones. They're now all brown, so it'll be fixed for next update. - Jun 21 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

I think the new official branding is both beautiful and the most recognizable for users switching from another OS.

For the tango icons, you can get them here: - Jun 21 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

The previous version has them. Just go to the google code page (link above), click All Downloads in the Downloads tab, and get an older, archived version that has any icon you want.

I usually host the three latest versions of everything, so even if you don't like something in a new one, there are chances for you to get your hand on older versions. - Jun 21 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

I like the name "Dust" to pay homage to the theme that inspired the color palette and overal "warm" feeling, the original Dust theme. - Jun 21 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Yes, chocolate is indeed better... The set that came with 4.0 was much lighter and had a few usability issues. For example, folders were the same color as packages and selected colors were too light, so that was confusing.

The new dark chocolate is best. Although the old caramel color-scheme is uploaded somewhere now in case someone prefers it. - Jun 21 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Glad you like it!

The dust theme is more than a different selected color, it has a whole new palette to better match the look of the original Dust theme that inspired it. - Jun 21 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Can you take a screenshot? It shouldn't do anything to panels other than theme them, so that behavior may be unrelated or something else is happening. - Jun 21 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

I still have the old "?" icon in the set, but now it's actually used for questions and unknown variables.

I also think that icon is better looking than the float, however, since many help documents are already branded with GNOME's float, using another icon may create inconsistencies. Besides, perhaps help is one of those icons that should not be changed too much from default, so that anyone can find and recognize it immediately.

The old icon for app favorites was a better metaphor for a software installer, which is it's new function... The "Default" icon is a better metaphor for default applications instead. It may look a little less detailed, but the point is better visual consistency between text and icon.

As for flags, perhaps I'll do ones from fake countries in the future... It's just better not to give any existing locale or country preferential treatment.

As for mozilla icons, as I've said it's best to respect their trademark in the main pack.. but you can use the extras or a package I've linked to a few pages back to override their icons! - Jun 21 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

enjoy! - Jun 21 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Good idea, but I'm not sure how brown will do on panels. Since it's not a vibrant color like the others, it may blend in with a dark panel and give the perception of a square missing from the pinwheel.

I'll try it out and see, but if it blends in, I'll leave it pink. - Jun 21 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

It's not recolored like the old one, but it does have much more detail and it looks like an actual home, rather than the shape of a home. It makes a better metaphor, and the colors are very neutral so it won't clash with any arrow color.

Then again, that's just my opinion... You can replace it with the old one if you prefer! There's no need to stick with something you don't like on your desktop, just modify the theme a little and make it suit you better! - Jun 21 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

It's a very old reference from The Simpsons. If I put that next to something, it usually means that it's highly recommended to read the instructions before attempting anything blindly, or if it's written in a file, it warns that changing a setting may break something. - Jun 20 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Yes, I know... Pink and Aluminium comes next. Now I'll take a vacation and delete Inkscape from my hard drive for a week or so...

The good thing, is that all the work I've put into making many icons color-neutral lets me create a new icon set in about 8 hours, as I've done these past few days.

So next time I have 8 hours free to myself, you may see a new and complete Pink or Aluminium variation. - Jun 20 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

I don't particularly want to continue developing it, since the new gnome-dust fits the look I want better and doesn't look monotonous in with package icons.

I just took the old dust, renamed it caramel (so you can install it at the same time as the new dust). It's uploaded to mediafire for archiving or in case anyone prefers it, but it is not supported and will not be updated in the future. - Jun 20 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

It's best to have a few icons be a turned off monitor... It makes recoloring easier, so I can make more sets now faster than ever.

I'll think about pink, but I practically just did two icon sets (now that I redesigned dust) in two days... I'm already seeing the world in hex numbers, no way I'm opening inkscape for the next month or so :P - Jun 20 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Maybe next time... I already packaged everything up nice and neatly for a 4.1 upload.

There are still just 6 icon sets, though... I'm just going to drop the Dust that came with 4.0 as I wasn't truly happy with it. I'll probably just upload it somewhere for archiving or in case anyone wants it, and then forget about it. - Jun 20 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

It's actually more like 7... I just finished the new Dust with an improved palette, and it's pretty much an entirely different theme.

I'll just rename the poor 1-day old Dust to Caramel and leave it as an unsupported freebie. - Jun 20 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Wait an hour or two, I'm releasing an ever better dust... This time the icons are actually chocolate, instead of using the same color as for packages like now. - Jun 20 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

I've decided to redo the entire Dust set from scratch. The current palette is too similar to other system icons such as packages, etc...

Long story short, expect a brand new, more chocolate-y Dust version later tonight or early tomorrow.

If you like the current Dust icon color-scheme implementation, keep a copy of it! It will be entirely replaced with true chocolate colors. - Jun 20 2009