
Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

No problem, although I wouldn't consider the inode-directory problem fixed until they merge the nautilus patch mentioned in bugzilla.. Hopefully someone will notice, for now, I gave up and just included the icons even with my reservations.

As for notify-osd, I think Ubuntu's white icons fit the dark theme much better than gnome-colors'. Do you know if notify-osd uses human's white/silver icons even if other icon themes are selected? - Mar 09 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

It's not an issue. Those are the focus selection rings that the murrine engine now uses. The only way to get rid of them, is to use an older revision of the murrine engine, or talk to the murrine developer about improving these focus rings. - Mar 08 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

I've played around with that idea, but having the clock applet's font bold creates a few visual inconsistencies, since all other applets have regular font weight.

For now, I think the current approach is best, since it gives the main menu focus and allows the clock applet to be placed anywhere. - Mar 06 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Alright, then it is a problem with Acrobat Reader itself not being able to work with all parameters of the latest murrine engine.

You can remove all instances of "progressbarstyle" from shiki-colors to make it work, but then progressbars might not look as intended. It might be best to either file a bug with Adobe or with the murrine developer. - Feb 28 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

There is no shiki msstyle for wine. You can, however assign a similar color scheme.. For example, in the brave version, open /.wine/user.reg in a text editor and replace "Control Panel\\Colors" with:

[Control Panel\\Colors] 1230873761
"ActiveBorder"="216 216 216"
"ActiveTitle"="114 159 207"
"AppWorkspace"="108 108 108"
"Background"="114 159 207"
"ButtonAlternateFace"="161 161 161"
"ButtonDkShadow"="139 139 139"
"ButtonFace"="216 216 216"
"ButtonHilight"="235 235 235"
"ButtonLight"="225 225 225"
"ButtonShadow"="139 139 139"
"ButtonText"="0 0 0"
"GradientActiveTitle"="114 159 207"
"GradientInActiveTitle"="216 216 216"
"GrayText"="147 147 147"
"Hilight"="114 159 207"
"HilightText"="255 255 255"
"HotTrackingColor"="114 159 207"
"InActiveBorder"="212 208 200"
"InActiveTitle"="216 216 216"
"InActiveTitleText"="105 105 105"
"InfoText"="0 0 0"
"InfoWindow"="245 245 181"
"Menu"="60 60 60"
"MenuBar"="60 60 60"
"MenuHilight"="94 140 192"
"MenuText"="230 230 230"
"Scrollbar"="221 221 221"
"TitleText"="255 255 255"
"Window"="255 255 255"
"WindowFrame"="212 212 212"
"WindowText"="0 0 0" - Feb 28 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

There's no real ETA for updates, I just change things every once in a while as the Murrine engine progresses and allows me to do so.

The clearlooks version was updated about a month ago, and this added gradient panels that will stretch instead of tiling. Since there's not much I can change to this version, it should be pretty much complete.

The murrine version has the same updates and I tweaked it a bit for newer murrine revisions about a week ago. It's also pretty complete, and the only future changes will be in order to keep compatibility with later revisions of the murrine engine.

It's all pretty much bug-free with the exception of certain non-gtk apps such as thunderbird and firefox, but there is nothing I can do about this. - Feb 28 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

I personaly like the rhythmbox icons, but to each his own. You can remove them simply by searching for "rhythmbox" inside the gnome-* folder and deleting all instances of the icon. - Feb 23 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

No, apparently that seems to be the new focus selection for the murrine engine (as opposed to ugly dotted lines). I don't know if the line at the bottom is intentional by the developer of murrine, but if you don't like it, you can use an earlier revision of murrine svn. - Feb 23 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

In the latest upload I enabled gradient panels by default. The reason being that I eliminated most of the bugs involved with forcing panel backgrounds, and these backgrounds will fit the panel even if you set them as large as 210 pixels.

The one drawback to this, is that you have to disable gradient panels manually if you plan to use transparent or custom panels through the context menu of gnome-panel. You can disable these by opening the panel.rc file in a text editor, and deleting the line that says "Disable for normal panel backgrounds". - Feb 14 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

I will look into it. I had heard about this project, but the last time I tried it, it was still in its alpha stages. - Feb 14 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Also, remember to change all instances of the icon, not just the scalable versions.. otherwise you won't really be doing anything, since usually the 22 or 24 px folders are the ones used for gnome-panel. - Feb 12 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Try rebuilding or deleting the cache. It's that file inside the icon folder named "icon-theme.cache". - Feb 12 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

I don't think there's any .msstyle based on shiki.. and I doubt we'll see one unless a windows user who likes shiki/linux themes tries to port it.

I do, however have a simple color scheme that makes wine apps blend in better, though. Maybe I'll upload the config file in a future update. - Feb 10 2009
Arc-Colors GDM-Walls

GDM Themes by perfectska04 117 comments

You can open the "Arc-GDM.xml" file in a text editor and change the size or fonts to your liking. For example, instead of "Sans 8" you can use "Sans 10", etc. - Feb 09 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Are you sure it's a theme error? Try using another theme and see if the behavior is still the same.. If it still happens, then the problem lies with GDM and not the theme. The GDM theme doesn't really change anything in the behavior of GDM, it's only a picture with an entry box and buttons that send the appropiate signals (suspend, shutdown, etc.) - Feb 09 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

That's a very good question, to which I don't know the answer. I think pidgin just uses their own custom smiley set. GNOME-Colors doesn't even have smileys, it just inherits the ones from your GNOME icon set. If you can get a theme pack for pidgin based on the GNOME set, you'd have that consistency. - Feb 08 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Yup. That's Banshee Media Player, version 1.4.2. - Feb 07 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Actually, I had noticed. I've used gnome-do for a while and I've seen some of gnome-colors icons used for the design of their front page, which made me feel kinda cool.

I'm also using Docky, which is REALLY useful. Once it gets more plugins, it will be even better than AWN/Cairo dock. - Feb 04 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 97 comments

No problem. - Feb 02 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 97 comments

Also, I'm sure that if it does not recognize (highlight_shade, glow_shade, glowstyle, progressbarstyle and lightborder_shade), you may not be running revision 136, as glow_shade, glowstyle are new options and the others were renamed from *_ratio into *_shade. - Feb 02 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 97 comments

Where are you seeing these errors? The names you mentioned are the correct ones for the new revision (shade instead of ratio). I've tested the themes and it doesn't output any errors. - Feb 02 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 97 comments

I removed the space in the filename now. - Feb 01 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 97 comments

I've uploaded a new version compatible with the latest murrine engine revisions! - Feb 01 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Yes, the addressbar and searchbox should also be put in the light toolbars. I know stuff like this might inconvenience people trying to save vertical space, but since firefox isn't a native app, there isn't much that can be done. Besides, if firefox were a native GTK application you wouldn't be able to put buttons/addressbars in the menubar, anyway! - Jan 31 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Just try not putting buttons in the menubar (dark area). Firefox is not a GTK application, it only pretends to be one, so there's nothing I can do. You should use the light toolbars for buttons/widgets and the menubar solely for the menu. - Jan 31 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

What is Shiki Dark? I don't think I have a theme by that name. - Jan 26 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Can you try installing the latest revision, 136, reinstalling the themes by removing them first, logging out and opening adobe again?

If it still looks like that, try opening it in a terminal and let me know if it outputs any error that I should look into.

As for the ugly dotted lines, you have to contact the Murrine developer or use the Clearlooks version. You can use the following page to let him know that there are more people who want this feature implemented: - Jan 26 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Hey, I found a way to fix the issue with the netapplet, I will upload it in the future. As for the gnome revelation applet, I haven't been able to find information or the product page, so I can't install it in order to fix the problem. - Jan 25 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Can you try using the default clearlooks theme and see if the problem persists? I doubt the GTK theme will influence what you're mentioning, so it's possible the issue lies with your graphic card drivers or something else. Also, try rebooting your system if all else fails. - Jan 18 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

It's broader for usability reasons. Many users with high-res displays or laptops found the old ones unconfortable. However, you can always edit the width to your liking by editing the GTKRC file.

It's the line that says "# Scrollbar width". - Jan 16 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

You can get them by using the MurrineSVN version. You'll need to install the latest revision, though (I've got download links in the theme description). - Jan 15 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

I don't really have the time or knowledge to set up something like a debian/ubuntu repository. It'd be ideal, though so I'll read up on it for possible future use. - Jan 15 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

It's because Thunderbird is not a native GNOME/GTK application. Also, unlike firefox 3 (which emulates GTK styles) thunderbird 2 doesn't. - Jan 13 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Yes, go to the folder where you installed the Shiki theme, click on the "Shiki-*" folder, then click on the "gtk-2.0" folder and open the file "panel.rc" in any text editor!

All you have to do is remove the "#" at the start of the line that says enable gradient panels. - Jan 05 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

I think I understand now. The thing is that you're not enabling the files properly! Try editing Shiki's panel.rc file in gedit and just uncomment the line that says "Enable for gradient panel backgrounds."

Don't use gnome-panel's built-in theming options, they're buggy - it's better to enable it in panel.rc

Also, It's not a good idea to disable focus. It's always good to have some indication of which widget is currently active. Disabling focus lines also messes with the padding of widgets, so again - not a good idea. - Jan 05 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Hey, regarding the dotted lines edge thing - there's nothing I can do. It's a limitation of the Murrine engine, as it doesn't draw nice focus highlights yet. I think the developer will work on this in the future, so if this is not good for you right now - you can try the clearlooks version which uses a nice focus highlight.

About the other thing you mention, I didn't quite understand what you meant? - Jan 05 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Glad you like it!
It's not a windows icon, though. It's just four squares and each represents one of the four colors available to the themes.

You can remove it and use the default GNOME foot, but I include them mostly because the GNOME foot looks terrible on dark GTK themes. - Jan 05 2009

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

I'll try to look for one. I've never used deborphan, so I have to look into what the app does and try to find a suitable icon. - Jan 05 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

You can either run the "Shiki-Colors Upgrade" menu item to update to the clearlooks-only version, or you can download the murrine version - extract it, and overwrite the existing files in /usr/share/themes - Jan 05 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

I don't understand your comment, Dust and Shiki are two different themes with different designs. There's no need for either theme to recreate the other's look? - Jan 04 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

It is there, but only applied very lightly to scrollbars and progressbars - I found that it doesn't look to good when applied to everything else (well, at least with the gradient design Shiki has). - Jan 04 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

From today on, Shiki-Colors will be forked into two; the original Clearlooks version and a brand new MurrineSVN spin.

Clearlooks Version: It's the same old version as before. It's compatible with GNOME 2.22+ and only uses the Clearlooks engine, so no murrine is necessary. It's the most clean and functional of the two and the primary download as such.

MurrineSVN Version: It's the future of Shiki-Colors. Fully designed for the latest revisions of MurrineSVN, therefore it will only work after compiling the Murrine engine from source, or by installing my uploaded debian binary packages. Yes, you will need to upgrade Murrine - even if you're using Ubuntu Intrepid. No, you can't have the old Murrine version back - this is the new one. - Jan 04 2009

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

I also agree that it must be something related to mouse settings, since I don't experience that issue in neither my two desktops or my laptops. - Jan 04 2009
Arc-Colors GDM-Walls

GDM Themes by perfectska04 117 comments

Oops, the comment above was meant for the previous poster.

Anyway, regarding the face browser - I still haven't come up with a design that looks good to me, along with some other list item color complications. If I ever get around these issues, I'll post a face-browser version. - Dec 31 2008
Arc-Colors GDM-Walls

GDM Themes by perfectska04 117 comments

I don't really know much about GRUB, but with color and resolution limitations there's not much I can do yet - these wallpapers look terrible when indexed (I noticed as such when I tried to make a Usplash set but 256 colors just won't cut it) - Dec 31 2008

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

If I can find a complete filezilla tango iconset, sure I'll add it. - Dec 31 2008

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

A quick google search tells me gnomad is some sort of app for creative MP3 players, is this what you mean?

Well, I think I'm already including creative jukebox icons so it shouldn't be a problem to add a link to it.

Can you open the menu editor, click on the gnomad shortcut and on "Properties"? If you then click on its icon and tell me the name it uses for its icon, I can add it. - Dec 31 2008

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

I'm glad! - Dec 31 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 87 comments

I think something in the latest evo is causing it. I'll take a look when I can. - Dec 31 2008

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

I think it looks well now, but I'll take a look at Mist's and decide which fits better. - Dec 31 2008