
GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Glad you like it. I'll check out that site! - Nov 10 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

The metacities are set up to always use the color you've designed as "Selected Items Background". If you've set a different color and it doesn't come out in the top stripe, try changing your Metacity back and forth. Older versions of Metacity need to be refreshed like this when changing colors, etc. - Nov 10 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

It'd be a good idea to set up an apt repository, nice and clean.

But right now, if you're using Ubuntu, you don't need to download everything manually. Just click on the link above that says "Ubuntu Download" and it will download a script that will grab all the latest versions of everything, install them and apply them. It's got a GUI and menu-items for future changing/upgrading, so if that works for you, there's no need to worry about repositories and whatnot. - Nov 10 2008
Compact murrine

GTK2 Themes by boy23arg 12 comments

My themes are open source and I imagine any other work you based yours on is as well (If you found it in this site). No need for permission, etc. Feel free to upload your content! - Nov 07 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Yes, they won't scale. They are actual images, so they will always be the same size. It's not a bug, it's more like the theme is simply wired that way (hence why I recommend 8px fonts).

Besides, I usually get complaints about the metacity buttons being too large now, if I make them any larger I'm afraid I'll start receiving bomb threats or something, heh. - Nov 07 2008

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Good idea, I'll do it next chance I get. - Nov 07 2008

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

I can't add an icon for isomaster. The application doesn't allow for using a custom icon. - Nov 07 2008

Conky by helmuthdu 931 comments

I'm also looking forward to this. - Nov 07 2008

Beryl/Emerald Themes by perfectska04 7 comments

I'll check if I have a backup for them. Meanwhile, you can try searching for "gommoso" as the old buttons were taken directly from that theme. - Nov 06 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Ok, I just reuploaded the theme with some fixes to panels and applets. You'll see that CPUFreq and Tomboy applet now work perfectly. - Nov 06 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Thanks for your input, I'll look into the things you mentioned.

Sometimes other existing GDM settings may conflict with the changing of GDM's (perhaps random selected was on, etc).

The install script sets fonts at 8px size, which is the normal size for fonts in other OS's and matches the font size of the GDM's. If you would like any other font size, just go to the appearance preference and change the size of fonts from "8" to something like "10", which is the Ubuntu default.

I'll have to look into the style for the frequency applet, perhaps there's a workaround I can use. Thanks! - Nov 05 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

The three lines you should delete in panel.rc are these:

engine "clearlooks" {
radius = 0.0 # This sets the roundness of panel items.
} - Nov 03 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Ok, I think I figured out what you meant. It's the vertical progressbar background, right?

For some reason, that happens when I set the clearlooks engine to render panels. If I switch it to any other engine it works correctly, so I assume this is a Clearlooks bug.

You can fix it by deleting the three engine "clearlooks" lines . However, the widgets will now have roundness just like previous versions. I'll see if there's a way to remove roundness properly in XFCE panels using the clearlooks engine, but for now it seems this is the only way to fix it. - Nov 03 2008

Conky by helmuthdu 931 comments

Oh, and just a few minor suggestions that would make this truly perfect:

-I had to change the english version of the Gmail applet thingy to say "New Mail(s)" instead of "novo(s)".

-In the network section, I think the symbols to the left could use some vertical separation (about 1px or 2) as they're currently too close to each other.

-In the system section, maybe it'd be better if it said "Uptime:" rather than "On:"

-Below the "WEATHER" section, there's about 100-200 pixels of unused space.

-The symbols to the left are not centered correctly to the text next to them (They're a few pixels above from beinc centered). You can see a screenshot here:

All in all, thanks for such a great theme. I'm using Conky just for this. - Nov 03 2008
Shiki Dark

GTK2 Themes by darkwater 12 comments

This is just my opinion, but I thought the earlier version was a lot better. The new glossy buttons are too light for a dark theme and seem a bit out of place. - Nov 03 2008

Conky by helmuthdu 931 comments

Hey, I just noticed something weird and I'm not sure if it's my setup that's causing it.

If I add "conky" to the session manager, in order to have it run at startup, conky will have drop shadows around the borders and is "Always on top" so any window under it will be hidden.

This doesn't happen if I just run Alt + F2 conky after startup.

I'm running Ubuntu Intrepid with Compiz Fusion enabled. - Nov 03 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Thanks for reporting this bug!
I'll download a XFCE live CD and apply any necessary workaround. I made some changes to the panel that look good in GNOME, but I didn't make any formal XFCE testing. It'll probably take me a few hours to upload a new revision, so meanwhile you can disable my changes by editing the panel.rc file and deleting the xthickness and ythickness lines. - Nov 03 2008

Conky by helmuthdu 931 comments

I had the same problem until I found out that you have to install the python-feedparser package for it to work.

sudo apt-get install python-feedparser - Nov 03 2008

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

You can download it just by clicking on the download link normally. If you MUST use wget, then add the -UP argument as in "wget -UP http://" since deviantart is stupid that way. - Nov 02 2008

Conky by helmuthdu 931 comments

Awesome. Thanks!
It even comes with the color-schemes of my themes, so I don't have to edit anything! - Nov 02 2008
GNOME-colors for gFTP

Icon Sub-Sets by harivolker 2 comments

Looks great, thanks! - Nov 01 2008

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Oh and about the custom distro icons, I don't include any, but you can replace the gnome-colors logo "/places/start-here.svg/png" with the distro logo of your choice and it will show up in your main menu, etc.

However, if you use Ubuntu/Fedora, you can go to the "Apps" folder and copy the fedora-logo-icon or hwtest-gtk icons respectively, without having to look elsewhere for those distros' logos. - Oct 29 2008

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Thanks for the compliments! There are so many Apps icons that 99% of people will never notice, since they cover a wide array of software and distro-specific applications.

As for the devices, most of the 'extras' are the same you would get from installing the "gnome-icon-theme-extras" package. They're there mostly for conveniency and to avoid having to depend on any more packages. - Oct 29 2008

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

I'll add it when I find the time. It seems like a generic image-burning icon should suffice. - Oct 29 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 17 comments

Ok, I just reuploaded and this issue is now fixed. - Oct 29 2008
Hardy-Colors Usplash

Usplash Themes by perfectska04 51 comments

You're right. If you're using intrepid you need to install libusplash-dev and type make in the "Sources" to create the .so file.

I'll probably get around to uploading binaries compatible with Intrepid once it's out officially. - Oct 26 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 17 comments

Ah, thanks for letting me know. I overlooked a minor error when I ported the styles from one of my other themes.

I'll fix it and reupload it when I have the time. Meanwhile, you can open the gtkrc file and click "search and replace".
Then, type clearlooks and replace it with nodoka

It'll fix the missing style. - Oct 26 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Yes, I know. This is normal for all hybrid themes as there is no solution. The hide buttons take their style from regular buttons instead of the panel style, so the only thing you can do is disable the hide buttons or use a full dark or full light theme. - Oct 24 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

I had to discontinue compact-colors as I no longer had the time to maintain it and it will become obsolete once new versions of GTK engines come out.

You can still find links for it with a google search, though.

Shiki is quite compact, you can make it even more compact (not as much as compact-colors, but compact enough) by editing a few lines in the gtkrc as indicated in the instructions! - Oct 23 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

I checked and those lines all correspond to the last line of the script. I don't think the error message means anything, but I'll give it a look just to be sure.

When you double click on the install file, you have to select "Run". If it doesn't run like that, try right clicking the file, selecting "Properties" and make sure that "Allow executing file as a program" is checked in the permissions tab.

Usually, the file extracts with the permission to execute but depending on your system, sometimes you may have to click on that checkmark. - Oct 23 2008
Hardy-Simple Colors GDM 2

GDM Themes by perfectska04 13 comments

just install the widescreen version and it will work just fine. - Oct 22 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

The tabs are a good suggestion. The problem is that the newer Murrine doesn't use the stripes for tabs anymore (unless there's a hidden setting I'm not aware of).

I think I'll try to polish things a bit first and then upload it with the next release. I suggested to the murrine developer the idea of implementing new focus selections, but there haven't been any changes since (which is a shame, since it's the only thing holding me back from fully porting Shiki to murrine-only). - Oct 21 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

I wonder, would anyone be interested in a Murrine-SVN only variant? (given that the current one is clearlooks+murrine-SVN)

I've been playing around for a bit and it does look great. The only drawback is that Murrine still isn't capable of drawing nice focus lines (it has ugly dotted selection lines).

On the other hand, I don't want to upload so many versions as to confuse people trying to download the theme. Thoughts?

preview here: - Oct 21 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Thanks for the compliment!

Frankly, I contribute all of this as a hobby and it's not even related to my major (psychology) so I always try not to get involved in any of the bureaucracy regarding distros and whatnot.

All my artwork is based on existing efforts from the community. It's free, open source and up for grabs. If anyone wants to distribute it or implement them in their projects they're more than welcome! - Oct 21 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Yes, the script is compatible out of the box with intrepid. It even fixes the GNOME 2.24 icon bug for you!

The code for the script is probably very, very redundant since I'm not a scripter. It should, however be 100% safe and completely uninstallable. As long as you read the README and know what to expect, it should work perfectly until I find the time to improve it further. - Oct 19 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Well, I usually just go with the default white cursor in ubuntu; it's simple and fits with everything. If you wanted something more customized, then perhaps try a few of the higher-rated ones in the mouse themes sections (the thick version of gruppled cursors is pretty slick). - Oct 16 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

I'll include some wine color schemes when I find the time (I'm pretty busy with college lately). Perhaps I'll make them in form of a script, since editing .reg files is not something everyone wants to do. - Oct 16 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

They're yellow for consistency (since most apps and themes use that color) but this is one of those things you can easily change to your liking in the appearance preferences' color chooser - Oct 13 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

You can still have the font change color by changing the fg prelight, fg selected and fg active of dark areas to
lighter (@selected_bg_color)

It's white now because a lot of people had problems reading the text in certain themes and asked me for the change. However, you can still have the old style back or edit it as you wish, since the theme is very modular. - Oct 12 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

oh, and if you just want a larger window border, try the included "Shiki-Colors Easy Metacity"

It has larger borders and other enhancements for people who prefer usability over the borderless look. - Oct 12 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

I had never really thought of that idea. I just did a quick mockup of how it would look, but coloring the outlines doesn't seem right. The corners become a lot more aliased, and the theme looks a bit cramped in.

I think perhaps the only way to do colored borders right would be to lighten up the menubar (or not) and use Fedora's Nodoka metacity. I just tried that and it seems like a pretty good alternative for anyone who prefers colored window borders. - Oct 11 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

This simply happens because Shiki's buttons are not dark, they are light. The reason the other themes in the screnshot work is because they are either full dark themes or they are using the pixmap engine to render those buttons.

This is normal for every hybrid theme (shiki, dust, clear/murrineglow, etc) the only fix is to simply hide the hide buttons in the panel properties. - Oct 11 2008
Arc-Colors GDM-Walls

GDM Themes by perfectska04 117 comments

I don't think you can change GDM's in Fedora 9. - Oct 10 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 17 comments

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Changing roundness to any value other than 0 will give you the exact same scrollbar as Nodoka's default one. Nodoka doesn't allow for any other type of scrollbars, only square or rounded like this: - Oct 09 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 17 comments

Sure, open the gtkrc file and go to the scrollbars section. Change roundness from 0 to another value. - Oct 09 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

I've already experimented with dark toolbars, but they don't work at all with Shiki. They mess up with the overall consistency of the theme and I don't really believe that certain apps should look or behave differently from others.

I haven't tried recent versions of Dust, but the artistic direction and color palette of that project certainly does dark toolbars better than Shiki would. - Oct 08 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Glad you like it. I did my best to eliminate 99% of bugs. To my knowledge, Firefox is the buggiest application but the CSS i linked to above should make it work (almost) perfectly! - Oct 07 2008
Arc-Colors GDM-Walls

GDM Themes by perfectska04 117 comments

All of the GDM's are dark versions. If it's regarding the wallpaper, you can just replace bg.png with your favorite wallpaper. I don't include a dark wallpaper, because dark gdm on dark background makes the shadows blend in and everything looks a lot flatter. - Oct 07 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 659 comments

Yes, you can make it more compact that way. I deliberately made it 22, so that windows without menu-bars don't look so out of place (and easier clickability), but If you prefer a compact metacity, reducing the button width will do that for you. - Oct 06 2008
Arc-Colors GDM-Walls

GDM Themes by perfectska04 117 comments

That's not a bad Idea, but the problem is that I don't think there's a way to add tooltips to the buttons. While most people would understand what the icons mean, there would still be some that would be confused as to what each thing does.

I'll try to keep looking for a workaround, but for now the best solution is to simply edit the xml file and change the label for suspend into a shorter word for it in your language. - Oct 05 2008