
Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Thanks for the suggestions. Once i'm done coloring the red version, I'll add more emblems and replace the ubuntu logo for GNOME's and upload it. - Jun 04 2008

Full Icon Themes by perfectska04 821 comments

Hi, that's my emerald theme from clearlooks/nodoka/murrine colors. There is also a metacity version included in those themes, it's called X-colors lite. - Jun 04 2008
elementary Icons

Full Icon Themes by DanRabbit 329 comments

Since I LOVE these icons, I thought I'd let you know of some bugs/suggestions so you can make it even better. I'm using version 1.8 and normal-sized buttons.

1. The back/forward arrows in 24x24 don't have shadows. It looks weird, since all other toolbar icons have them. The go-first/go-last icons are also missing shadows.

2. When you press alt + f2, the buttons are much larger than in previous version.

3. The shuffle/repeat buttons are not consistent with the rest of the media buttons. This sticks out really bad when using Banshee 1.0 in shuffle mode.

4. Some of the included gnome/tango icons have glossy arrows instead of gradient like the rest of the arrows in the theme. (logout and document-revert icons for example)

5. In appearance preferences, the icon next to customize button is smaller than the other icons.

6. In liferea, rows with attachments are twice as large.. this gets fixed if you delete the 32x32 mail attachment icon.

7. As others said, a computer icon would be great, and so would an updated pidgin icon!

Sorry if this seems like a long list, I just thought you'd save some time if I pointed all these things out. Keep up the great work! - Jun 01 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 97 comments

Thanks for the compliment! I'll keep working on nice/simple themes as usual. - May 31 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 97 comments

Hi, I think I found the bug in your theme.
It's in line 41, of your panel.rc file.. if you comment it out, the problem should be fixed. The buttons will however become light again. Maybe you can fix it by basing your dark panels on a different panel.rc? - May 31 2008
Hardy-Colors Usplash

Usplash Themes by perfectska04 51 comments

what resolution are you using? also, what resolution is set in /etc/usplash.conf? - May 26 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 97 comments

mmm.. I can't really recreate this bug. Here's mine:

It could be, that gnome is still using the colors from a previous theme. Try resetting colors in appearance preferences, by clicking customize and then the "colors" tab.

If it still doesn't work for you, you can send me your custom theme and i'll look it over and see if there's a bug in it. You should also use some settings from my clearlooks-colors theme.. the evolution toolbars and the toolbar handle workaround, it's not included in murrine since it doesn't use gradient toolbars by default. That should make your theme complete. - May 24 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 97 comments

You mean like the toolbars?
Well, the murrine engine currently is not capable of drawing gradient toolbars..

You could, however do the following hack (you will need clearlooks installed):

1. Comment out or delete line 56, "GtkToolbar.."
2. Add this style somewhere in the file:
style "theme-toolbar"
engine "clearlooks"
style = GUMMY
toolbarstyle = 1
3. Change line 314 to:
class "GtkToolbar" style "theme-toolbar"
4. ???

This is a very hack-ish approach.. it would be best if you just used my nodoka-colors or clearlooks-colors themes. - May 22 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 97 comments

This issue can't be fixed, it's another case of openoffice having bad GTK integration, specially on dark themes. This page can give you more details:

The text of openoffice tooltips can't be changed. A temporary fix is to change tooltip background/text in appearance preferences. Just make the background something dark, and change the text to #D4D4D4.

In GNOME 2.24 dark themes will have better integration, so I guess until then this is the most I can do. - May 21 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 97 comments

Thanks for the input. I hadn't noticed it before, I'll try to find out what's wrong and hopefully release a fixed version soon. - May 21 2008
Hardy-Colors Usplash

Usplash Themes by perfectska04 51 comments

You can use my hardy-simple colors wallpapers, these usplash themes are made to match them. The "simple" version of the wallpapers is the backgrond for the usplashes.

If you want the exact same thing (frame box included), you can use the included source .svg files. - May 20 2008
Hardy-Colors Usplash

Usplash Themes by perfectska04 51 comments

I don't think I'll make any more colors for now, since there are already too many. I would have to rework the progressbars, and artwork for a ubuntu-default looking one, and that would practically make this a different theme. - May 20 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 97 comments

Hi, I think I know what you mean. So far, I don't think there is a way to fix it, since it's an emerald bug (as far as i know).. my emerald themes have no content borders, so it's more noticeable than in other themes. The only way to fix it would be to use the "legacy" engine to render the theme (but it can only do gradient borders), or use the included X-Color metacities. Also, another option would be to make an pixmap-rendered emerald theme based on them (I have one or two, but their colors can't be changed due to it basically being themes rendered by images) - May 13 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 17 comments

thanks for the tip. now I know it won't work on earlier versions.. I don't think I will make it compatible with 0.6, though. Fedora 9 is right around the corner, and 0.7 has many features i can't live without. I do however think it should work in Gutsy if you compile it on your own, rather than using a precompiled hardy package. unstable 0.6.9 worked like that. - May 07 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 87 comments

Yes, I've seen it before. If i'm not wrong, it's an older version of the tango palette.. I decided to include the official one because it looks best with most themes. This one however, has better greens/reds, which is why my wise/wine themes' colors are an in-between mix of the official palette and this one. Then again, they are just quick color suggestions, so everyone should try around until they find the color that suits them best. - May 07 2008
Hardy-Colors Usplash

Usplash Themes by perfectska04 51 comments

P.S. When creating other resolutions, it's better if you scale/crop the original images, and then paste them into the indexed image at the desired resolution. Because you will lose quality if you just scale the already indexed images. - May 05 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 97 comments

alternatively, you can edit the panel.rc file instead.. by placing a # in front of the line that says "bg_pixmap.." you can disable the gradient background while still retaining the other panel theming options. - May 03 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 97 comments

Hi, I've said it a few times.. when using custom/transparent panels, you have to disable the gradient panel backgrounds. you can do so by editing the gtkrc file, and placing a # in front of the line that says: "panel.rc" - May 03 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 87 comments

Oh, and I forgot a third option. You may also get those gradient tabs by installing the nodoka engine, and changing the engine from "clearlooks" to "nodoka" in the clearlooks-notebook section of my theme. - May 02 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 87 comments

Hey, there are two ways to get the old-style tabs.

1. go to the notebook section (clearlooks-notebook) and add the following below the line that says "contrast = 1.15":

style = GLOSSY

This will make the tabs gradient, however since they are rendered with glossy style, inactive tabs will look glossy.

2. use my nodoka-colors theme. it's based on this one, and features gradient tabs by default. - May 02 2008

Beryl/Emerald Themes by perfectska04 7 comments

You may always modify and re-release anything that is truly free. - May 02 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 17 comments

I think I'll give the tango generator a try, thanks for the tip.

Also, the nodoka engine is quite versatile.. and it's development seems to be speedy, I might be able to improve it a bit further once I try a few of it's options. So far the result seems like the bastard child of murrine and clearlooks, and that's definitely not a bad thing. - May 01 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 17 comments

nodoka is based on murrine, so yes, just uncomment the same line you would use with murrine. - May 01 2008
Hardy-Colors Usplash

Usplash Themes by perfectska04 51 comments

thanks! although I only try to conceptualize my ideas the best I can with the limited knowledge that I have and share it. This way, at the very least, someone with more talent may be able to incorporate these ideas into a more polished design and everybody wins. - Apr 30 2008
Hardy-Colors Usplash

Usplash Themes by perfectska04 51 comments

Hi. You're right, there are not that many resources for creating Usplash. I had to learn the hard way over a course of two days. Maybe this can help you in creating a usplash:

1. take the source code of an existing usplash (ubuntu's, mine, or someone else's)

2. open desired background in GIMP and paste desired progressbars anywhere.
- Click image > mode > indexed at 256 colors.
- Crop to the progressbars and save them overwriting existing theme progressbars.
- Click undo to get back to the indexed image. delete the progressbars, and fill the empty space. Save the background.

3. Scale/Crop the resulting indexed background, overwriting the theme's files with the desired resolutions.

4. Open the *.c file, and edit the palette indexes of all resolutions to desired ones (text, background color,etc). Each number corresponds to a color in your indexed background. you can see which color is which # in GIMP's colormap dialog.

5. Once you're done, install build-essential and libusplash-dev. use a terminal to get to the folder (cd Desktop/usplash-theme), type "sudo make". The resulting .so file is your usplash.

6. ????

That's probably the easiest way i can think of.. if you need further help, feel free to contact me. - Apr 30 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 87 comments

the dark colors in 1.6 are brighter and better than 1.5. also, you can change any theme's color in gnome's appearance preferences :). use the included tango palette for a list of good color choices!

you can also alter any of the emerald themes so it fits whatever color you create. - Apr 30 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 97 comments

I haven't really tried to use the murrine-configurator, but due to this theme being heavily customized I don't think the changes would turn out as expected.

The recommended way to customize this theme is through the gtkrc file, but don't worry I included line-by-line instructions on what each setting/line does. It might take a bit more time than using a configurator, but at the same time you get much more flexibility in customizing the theme. - Apr 30 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 97 comments

ok, i reuploaded it with those lines. the light versions don't have it enabled by default, though, since when I tested xubuntu the panel sizes were never consistent (the trash applet seems to enlarge the bottom panel). You can now however, just uncomment those settings from the panel.rc files to get xfce gradient panels. - Apr 30 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 97 comments

I'll add those lines and test it in a Xubuntu live cd. thanks for the tip! - Apr 30 2008
Hardy-Colors Usplash

Usplash Themes by perfectska04 51 comments

I'll think about a dark version. Also, when I have the time I'll add the original background separate from the ubuntu logo to the sources. That way anyone can make versions for other distros. - Apr 30 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 97 comments

I've been working on a new version already, thanks for letting me know. I don't think scaling can be done, but I'll try to include 28px, 32px, and 48px panels as well. You'll be able to select the one you want by editing the gtkrc file. - Apr 29 2008
Oxygen Refit 2

Full Icon Themes by Chrispy 50 comments

I think some icons look better with at least a bit of drop shadows. also, the edit icon looks a bit wonky ( but other than that, nice job! - Apr 28 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 87 comments

I think the problem lies with some apps not using standard GTK widgets/windows. While ideally everything would be consistent and standardized, it is often hard work for cross-platform software to fit in perfectly. It's something that might not go away even after a few linux release cycles. On the other hand, linux development is fast these days so you never know. - Apr 28 2008
Hardy-Simple Colors GDM 2

GDM Themes by perfectska04 13 comments

Do you mean a Debian logo? I didn't make the ubuntu one, it's a default ubuntu logo. If what you're looking for is a transparent debian logo, I think you can find it either by googling "debian logo" or maybe in this GDM theme: - Apr 28 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 87 comments

I can't say with complete certainty, but I think it's an eclipse problem. GNOME as a whole is not very friendly to dark themes with dark base colors+light fonts. The best solution would be to change the colors of the theme in appearance preferences, making the input boxes background white and the text dark. That's what distros like ubuntustudio do to their dark themes, but it does not look too flattering. - Apr 28 2008
and also, congrats on the monochrome look. It's simple and not overly glossed over or metallic like most b&w styles. - Apr 27 2008
I don't mind being thanked, but then again 90% of my code is based on ubuntu code :p - Apr 27 2008
Hardy-Colors Usplash

Usplash Themes by perfectska04 51 comments

I fixed this problem with last update! - Apr 27 2008
Ubuntu Hardy gfxboot

GRUB Themes by Pelo 8 comments

I don't really use the gnome splashes, but I'll see if I can make one if only of sake of completion. I'm trying to work now on novel concepts rather than remixes, so I'm not sure when I'd get to it. - Apr 27 2008
Oxygen Refit 2

Full Icon Themes by Chrispy 50 comments

your oxygen-refit icons are some of the most extensive/complete I've used. can't wait to try this new version! - Apr 27 2008
Ubuntu Hardy gfxboot

GRUB Themes by Pelo 8 comments

lol, you shouldn't say "shamelessly pilfered", the whole idea of open source is being free to pilfer proudly. In any case, I'm glad you made this.. a GRUB screen was probably the only thing missing from my wallpaper collection. oh, and yeah you can get the source and original HR files for the walls here in case you need them: - Apr 27 2008
Hardy-Colors Usplash

Usplash Themes by perfectska04 51 comments

No problem. I included the source code mainly for people to be able to compile it, although I might have to also include some SVG files and original progressbars in the future so others are also free to modify it further :) - Apr 26 2008
Hardy-Colors Usplash

Usplash Themes by perfectska04 51 comments

I was able to replicate the flashing red background. I'm not sure what causes it yet (I only started learning about Usplash themes about two days ago) but as soon as I'm able to fix it or find out what it is, I'll post a new version. Thanks for letting me know! - Apr 26 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 87 comments

I'm glad you like it!
while it's just my personal taste, I think these icons suit each theme nicely:

Human: Human, Discovery icons, or HumanElephant-Savane.
Brave: Oxygen Refit, Elementary icons, Crashbit or HumanElephant-Marine.
Wise: DeltaGreen icons.
Wine: There aren't many red icon themes, so I just use the neutral nuoveXT 2.

Again, these are just suggestions . this site is full of great icon themes, so feel free to browse around and find something to suit your needs. - Apr 24 2008
Blue Ubuntu Usplash

Usplash Themes by knorrsuppe 30 comments

Would it be possible for you to release sources? I'm learning how to make usplashes, and since I like the style and available resolutions of your themes I would like to work on something based on it. - Apr 23 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 97 comments

You can't. This is a limitation of the current murrine engine, the only way to get around it would be to use clearlooks scrollbars instead or to use the unstable version of murrine 0.6. - Apr 23 2008
Hardy-Simple Colors

Wallpaper Other by perfectska04 13 comments

With this new version it's now possible to do that! :) - Apr 23 2008
Hardy-Simple Colors

Wallpaper Other by perfectska04 13 comments

I don't think it'd look right after that. I think the only fool-proof way would be to find the original non-colored .svg (I've found the original fela kuti ones, just not these). - Apr 22 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 87 comments

The metacity theme is not meant to look like the emerald theme.. but I did include alternative ones meant to look like that. You can choose them in the appearance preferences, window borders tab, their names are "X-Colors" and "X-Colors Dark". These should look like the emerald themes, and are only missing the colored stripe/gradient on top. - Apr 21 2008

GTK2 Themes by perfectska04 97 comments

you can already have that.. there are instructions inside the gtkrc file, thinks like scrollbar colors, sizes and gloss of all widgets can be adjusted usually by editing one or two lines. the file tells you what each line or setting does, so you just need to read the instructions in blue. as for the tabs, there's no way to change them without using pixmaps, and depending too much on them might hinder the flexibility in color choices. - Apr 20 2008